Scott Chasin (
Mon, 2 May 94 12:24:47 CDT

Ok, lets end the discussion here:

> As I said before, this is getting away from what "bugtraq" is intended
> to address.  We should not continue the discussion here.  Besides, I
> don't think there is any disagreements over the  basic points:
>   * Not all response teams are the same
>   * FIRST is not CERT
>   * CERT is not "evil incarnate", nor are they useless.  They simply
>     aren't as useful as the image some people have (had)
>   * The general community is somewhat safer with groups like CERT than without
>   * Response teams could do a better job in some ill-defined ways.
>   * Our #1 problem is the people who try to break into our systems,
>     not the people who are trying to help (misguided or otherwise)
> --spaf

(Thanks spaf)

Let's continue onward.  If you feel some issue discussed here needs
further development, please take it offline.
